When it comes to security in the cloud, securing a data center environment and its physical server hardware is only half the battle—it’s important to protect your infrastructure from the software side as well. To help you keep your data safe, we offer a complete array of Intrusion Protection Systems (IPS) and Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) software for both the network and server / host level.

Citrix NetScaler
Application, Network, and Security Optimization.
Citrix NetScaler, a software-based virtual appliance offered on Quantic Dynamics infrastructure, combines an extensive portfolio of application, network and user-layer security capabilities with a rich ecosystem of interoperable partner products.

McAfee® VirusScan Enterprise & Host Intrusion Protection with Reporting by Intel
Anti-virus, Anti-spyware, Firewall, and Intrusion Prevention, Pro-active Security Against Known and New Threats
Stop and remove malicious software, be protected against new security risks, and reduce the cost of responding to outbreaks with the industry’s lowest impact on system performance. Boost security and lower costs by reducing the frequency and urgency of patching. Host Intrusion Prevention integrates with the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) platform for centralized reporting and management that’s accurate, scalable, easy to use, and works with other McAfee and non-McAfee security products.

Nessus Vulnerability Scanner
Vulnerability, Configuration, and Compliance Assessment
High-speed discovery, configuration auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery, patch management integration, and vulnerability analysis built on a continuously-updated library of more than 55,000 vulnerability and configuration checks and Tenable’s vulnerability research team’s expertise. Highly scalable, and easy to deploy. Available with any server for no additional charge.

Symantec Validation and ID Protection
Higher Security for Logging in to Your Infrastructure
Surpass insecure passwords with VIP two-factor authentication, protecting all your enterprise and consumer applications. Eliminates up to 63 percent of breaches with strong authentication & positively identify a user (enhancing your existing static password) with a dynamic, second factor of authentication that cannot be predicted or stolen Rest assured with reliability and scalability for even the largest enterprises with Symantec’s 20-year proven track record of 80 million validations per month.