We know the server management pain points that make system administrators cringe. Therefore, we will help you quickly and easily provision, test, recover, and move your data onto or between servers. Our tools streamline and automate these complex, time-consuming processes.

Seamless Integration

Tightly integrated with Quantic Dynamics cloud infrastructure.


We will help you set, monitor, and tweak the control of the infrastructure.


Scale and flex your environment with imaging and automation capabilities.
Flex Images
Capture images from virtual or bare metal servers, store them in a single image library, and then deploy them on either kind of system. Capabilities that have historically only been available with virtual infrastructure—the ability to quickly clone and reload servers—now available with bare metal servers.
Image Import/Export
If you already developed server configurations to meet your specific business needs, our Image Import and Export service allows you to import your disk images into your Quantic Dynamics infrastructure, ready to deploy new Quantic Dynamics virtual servers.
Auto Scale
Auto Scale lets you adjust your cloud footprint dynamically and automatically based on triggers such as schedules, CPU utilization, and bandwidth usage, so your environment will always run at optimum levels.

Rescue Kernel
Bring a server online after a crash or failure in order to troubleshoot system issues that would normally only be resolved through an OS reload. Our automated system boots failed servers into a RAM-disk Unix, Linux, or Windows PE rescue kernel, providing access and control of the troubled server.

UTC Tower, Level 19
8 Panthapath, Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh
+880 9611 88 6797

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